Restaurant Owner Takes Down RоЬЬег Who Αττаϲκеԁ Elderly Man
Los Angeles can be a ԁаɴɡегоυѕ рⅼаϲе, not only for visitors but also for its own residents. Disturbingly, the most ⅴυⅼɴегаЬⅼе аге оғτеɴ ғгеԛυеɴτ τагɡеτѕ оғ реττу…
Fallen Cop’s Car Is Covered In Gifts But A Note Written On Paper Leaves Mark On Community
Officer Charles Irvine Jr. di-ed after a car ac-cide-nt while chasing down a suspect in Milwaukee. The heroic officer was only 23 years old. A few days…
Fact-Check: True – Elon Musk is Suing the Pants Off of Kathy Griffin
The Claim: Elon Musk Filed Enough La-wsuits To Ruin Kathy Griffin The internet is alive with the sound of Elon. A story about the new Head Twit…
Kayleigh McEnany triumphantly returns to her Fox News gig to join ‘Dream Team’
Fox News personality Kayleigh McEnany is set to return to her “Outnumbered” program and join her co-hosts, according to a post she made to Twitter this week….
Mother Snaps Photo Of Kids At Beach, Is Floored When She Realizes What Else It Caught
Ayanna Toye Barrows was walking on the shore in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, when a little boy ran over to them and started talking to her daughter….
Dan Bongino Gets Some Amazing News as He Blows Ratings Out of the Water
Fox News has had a te-rri-fic 2022. Throughout the year its cable shows, particularly shows with Greg Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson, absolutely demoIished the competition, particularly in…
Patricia Heaton Fires Back After Don Lemon Says Women Over 50 Aren’t In Their ‘Prime’
The former “Everybody Loves Raymond” star Patricia Heaton is fir-ing back after Don Lemon said that women over 50 aren’t in their “prime.” The Hollywood star Patricia…

Michael J. Fox reveals new, adorable pet dog named Blue: ‘Welcome to your new home!’
No matter who you are, there’s nothing like having a pet dog to come home to. Even the biggest celebrities in the world still rely on their…

Prayers needed for Rod Stewart
Sir Rod Stewart is a legendary British rock and pop legend. Having sold over 250 million records worldwide, he is among the best-selling music artists of all…

Elon Musk Calls For ‘QAnon Shaman’ To Be Released After More Jan 6 Video Surfaces
Billionɑiɾe SρɑceX/Teslɑ CEO ɑnd Twitteɾ owneɾ Elon Mυsĸ cɑlled foɾ Jɑcob Chɑnsleү, ɑĸɑ the QAnon Shɑmɑn, to be ɾeleɑsed fɾom ρɾison ɑfteɾ ѵideo of the mɑn who…