In a shoc-king turn of events, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk took to Twitter to completely expose Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook for their nef-arious activities.
In a series of tweets, Musk pulled back the curtain on the social media giant, revealing that Facebook is not only collecting and selling user data to third parties but also using it to con-trol the minds of the masses.
“Mark Zuckerberg is a sn-ake oil salesman, selling the illusion of connection while actually man-ipulating and controlling people’s thoughts
and behavior,” Musk tweeted
He also revealed that Face-book has been using advanced AI algorithms to tra-ck users’ every move and predict their actions, in order to better target them with advertising and propaganda.
“Face-book’s true goal is to create a world where people are nothing more than pu-ppets, con-trolled by the algorithm,” Musk war-ned.
But perhaps the most shoc-king revelation came when Musk exposed Face-book’s se-cret plan to launch a fleet of drones that will constantly mon-itor users, gathering even more data and exerting even greater con-trol over their lives.
“Mark Zuckerberg is a true vil-lain, and I urge everyone to delete their Face-book ac-counts and join a more ethical and transparent social network,” Musk concluded in his final tweet.
Face-book has yet to respond to these alle-gations, but it is clear that the social media giant’s days are numbered as more and more people wake up to the truth about its si-nister activities.
Note: This is a sa-tire article.