As a fourth grader at Lakeside Elementary School in Minnesota in May 2018, Adam Kornowski braved the stage at a small talent show, but little did he or his family know he’d quickly become an internet sensation and his performance would go viral with millions of shares online.

The 10-year-old, who has been playing piano since the age of 5, decided to sing “Imagine” by John Lennon. Only one of the best songs, ever.
It’s amazing how a song can still make such an impact after so many years and spur so much emotion. And young Adam certainly did it justice.
“There wasn’t a parent in the room with a dry eye by the end. He got a standing ovation and the applause lasted forever!” his proud mom Michelle wrote on Facebook. “A woman stopped me to tell me that she would buy it on iTunes if I put it out there!! I love his bow at the end…so polite!”
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