Chuck Norris Joins Roseanne’s Morning Show Panel: “I’ve Always Wanted to Work With Her”

Chuck Norris is looking forward to his new gig. Just yesterday, he happily informed Roseanne Barr that he would love to take a shot at being one…

San Francisko Firefighter Reaches Limit, Wears “Let’s go Brandon” Shirt While On Duty

A Sɑn Fɾɑncisco fiɾefiցhteɾ went ѵiɾɑl oѵeɾ the weeĸend foɾ weɑɾinց ɑ shiɾt with the υniѵeɾsɑl ρhɾɑse “Lets Go Bɾɑndon” wɾitten ɑcɾoss the bɑcĸ while on dυtү…

Elon Musk Fires Entire Cast of “The View ” After Acquiring ABC

In a move that has stunned the world of television, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has acquired ABC and promptly fired the entire cast of…

FCC Fines “The View” $1.6 Million for Whoopi’s ‘Extreme” Behavior

Whoopi Goldberg may think she can just go on her show and say horrible things about white folks, but the FCC disagrees. A ruling from the commission…

Putting Peanuts In Coke Is The New Trend Coming Out Of The South

The latest food trend is now surfacing and we can’t help but scratch our heads in thought. According to food trend websites like Delish and Esquire, putting…

Young cashier tells older woman to bring her own grocery bags, but she wasn’t ready for her response

The following story has been circulating the internet for months, if not years. I think we can all relate to it… Checking out at the store, the…

Identical Triplet Sisters Get Married Together in Fabulous Triple Wedding

Getting married is a significant moment in any person’s life. This milestone was made all the more remarkable for these beautiful triplets because they were brides on…

Dad’s birthday wish comes true when his 2 military sons walk through door (VIDEO)

Jeff was enjoying a birthday lunch when out of nowhere he saw two very familiar faces. Men and women in the armed forces are some of the…

OnIy My Ex-Son-in-Law Came to Wish Me on My 90th Birthday WhiIe My Daughter CompIeteIy Forgot about lt – My Story

Patty was celebrating her 90th birthday and was eager to celebrate this major milestone with her daughter and grandchildren. However, when they didn’t pitch, she ended up…

Tim McGraw is stiII amazed that he has been with his “SouImate” for the last 26 years, despite the fact that he was afraid he wouId Iose her and his three daughters as a result of his…

Tim McGraw is stiII amazed that he has been with his “SouImate” for the last 26 years, despite the fact that he was afraid he wouId Iose…