Kyle Rittenhouse Registers a Lien Against Whoopi Goldberg’s Malibu Home for $22 Million

When Kyle Rittenhouse settled his case against Whoopi Goldberg, she agreed to two things: $22 million is cash and a public apology. Unfortunately, neither of those things happened.

“It’s been more than a year,” said Rittenhouse’s attorney Joe Barron, “We don’t see her coming up with it anytime soon, so we’ve registered a lein with the State of California on her mansion in Weinstein Commons in Malibu.”

The lien will force a sale of the home if Goldberg doesn’t come up with the money. says the home is worth somewhere around $37 million. It has seven bedrooms and 4 baths, plus indoor and outdoor racquetball courts.

If Goldberg pays the debt plus interest and penalties she’ll be able to keep the house, otherwise she’ll be forced to take her private belongings and leave.

We sent ALLOD Correspondent Skip Tetheludah to Malibu to get a general idea of the sellability of the mansion and to see if he could sneak a word with Ms. Goldberg. Unfortunately, the neighborhood listed doesn’t actually exist in Malibu.

“It’s most likely a misinformation campaign and cover by a shell corporation to cover up the pedophile ring and human trafficking organization run by meth cooks in the basement,” said Skip, who hasn’t been taking his medication, “I’ve already approached the area with an assault rifle and several magazines but again, there’s just literally nothing there.”

Golberg has long been accused of mixing it up with the global cabal. Hopefully, Kyle Rittenhouse can expose it once he owns the place.

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