
3 Men Surround 100-Year-Old Elderly Couple, But They Had No Clue That The Cops Were Recording
Levy County Sheriff’s Deputy Kanesha Carnegie saw three men stop to help an 89-year-old woman and her 100-year-old husband to their car in a Florida parking lot…

Including The Curtain Rods
After 37 years of marriage. Jake dumped his wife for his Young secretary. His new girlfriend demanded that they live in Jake and Edith’s multi million dollar home…

A teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.
The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. —The next…

High School Wrestler Forfeits State Tournament When He Sees Who Opponent Will Be
When high school wrestler 18-year-old Brendan Johnson saw who he was compared versus in the state competition, he withdrew from the competitors. Although Johnson, from Colorado, confirms…

Aunt Jemima’s Great-Grandson Is Furious That Her Legacy Is Being Erased
After Quaker Foods announced its rebranding, the great-grandson of the real Aunt Jemima expressed his fury that cancel culture is erasing her legacy. Yesterday, we reported that…

Ice skater pulls off “Riverdance” on ice no one’s ever seen before
A performance like this is impossible to forget. When it comes to the Olympic Games one of the big sports that people love watching is figure skating….

Back to Acting: Kid Rock Will Join Roseanne For Three Episodes – “Her Script is Great”
Kid Rock has a pretty impressive career all around. He’s a hit musician as well as a fantastic actor. Who can forget his incredible performance in Joe…

High Schооl Fооtbаll Tеаms Dеfy Оrdеrs аnd Lеаd Fаns in Stirring Pоstgаmе Prаyеr
Еditоr’s Nоtе: Оur rеаdеrs rеspоndеd strоngly tо this stоry whеn it оriginаlly rаn; wе’rе rеpоsting it hеrе in cаsе yоu missеd it. In Sеptеmbеr 2021, schооl оfficiаls…

Texas School Announced It Will Being Back Paddling For Misbehaving Kids
Discipline can be a difficult concept to teach. Some children accept it more readily than others. Schools don’t always want to pick up the slack in this…

Heroic dad knocks out kidnapper and saves his daughter’s life
A brave father saved his daughters life in a heart-pounding incident that has left a community in shock. It all started when Freddie Cantrell received a frantic…