‘Distressed’ donkey ‘cries’ for her newborn foal after it was stolen from animal farm

A donkey has been crying for her new-born foal after it was snatched by heartless thieves.

The two-month-old, named Moon, was taken from a field at the Miller’s Ark animal farm on Monday.

The farm has now launched a national campaign to get the little foal back and is offering a cash reward for its return.

Moon had originally been in the field with her mum, Astra, at the farm located in Hook, Hampshire.

The donkey has been left heartbroken over the loss of her foal. Credit: Miller’s Ark
The donkey has been left heartbroken over the loss of her foal. Credit: Miller’s Ark
With so many unfamiliar faces on the site, owner Elizabeth Miller wonders whether the adorable foal could have been taken as staff looked after tourists.

“We feel she may have been lifted over the fence and taken away. They’re very small and they’re very friendly, so we think that’s what has happened,” she told ITV, adding that animals are incredibly ‘loving and caring’ around people.

With no clues as to the little donkey’s location, the farm has now offered a £10,000 reward for any information on the foal.

Miller has also asked locals to listen out for any unusual animal sounds, as it’s likely Moon will be crying for her mother.

“I think just listen, because I think the foal will be braying. If you hear any donkey braying that you’re not used to, please report it to the police,” Miller explained.

In a desperate bid to find the little donkey, the local authorities have even railed a rescue team who are on standby for any news of Moon.

Hampshire Police have given the case a crime number of 44230191581, and have guaranteed anonymity to any who provides information about the lost little foal.

Miller has also made her own public plea, saying: “If you do know who’s taken little Moon, something really bad was done on Monday and you can be the one to change that. You can do something good and bring that little foal back to its mother.”

It’s not just the owners who are heartbroken over the adorable Moon’s disappearance, as her mother is completely inconsolable too.

In fact, Astra has been crying for her lost little one and refusing to eat – with local news cries even capturing the heart-breaking sound on camera.

“Astra has been just completely devastated, just really stressed, pacing up and down the fence line, braying. She didn’t want to eat yesterday at all. She has eaten something today, which is great,” revealed Miller.

Astra is right to be concerned, as those on the farm have said the little donkey will struggle to survive without her mother.

Miller is also worried about the older donkey, as she continues to suffer from separation anxiety.

Continuing, she added: “She [Astra] doesn’t know what to do with herself because all of her natural instincts are to find the foal.”

Let’s hope little Moon is on the home stretch soon.

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